Private Series with Christina Unger

Yoga for a Healthy Gut

3 one-hour privates for $240

If you have ever experienced “butterflies” in your stomach or felt nauseous before a test, then you have experienced the Gut-Brain Connection. Gut-Brain communication is bidirectional. Our emotions trigger chemical and physiologic changes in our gut and our gut can trigger changes in the brain. The nervous system in your gut (enteric nervous system) is often referred to as the “second brain” and communicates with the brain in our head through the vagus nerve, chemical messengers, hormones, and the immune system. Psychosocial, physical, and environmental factors play a role in Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction (DGBI) and it is thought that 40% of people worldwide experience DGBIs.

Because the brain and gut communicate, stress and anxiety can make symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract worse and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract can affect your mood creating stress and anxiety. Stressors whether real or perceived trigger the "fight or flight” response that results in a cascade of stress hormone release which interferes with healthy digestion associated with the body’s “rest and
digest” mode. We live in stressful times and although we cannot avoid all forms of stress, we can learn to change our response to it.  Although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood it is hypothesized that yoga balances the nervous system, decreases stress and anxiety, nurtures mindfulness, improves sleeps, tones the vagus nerve, and changes the microbiome improving gut-brain interaction. Additionally yoga increases circulation, improves motility, strengthens the muscular support around the abdominal organs, and increases flexibility and a sense of well-being. People who practice yoga develop tools to lead a more balanced, joyful life.

If you are interested in exploring how Yoga can be utilized in the treatment of gut-brain disorders then consider a 3 class private series with Christina Unger, Yoga teacher and nurse practitioner with expertise in digestive diseases.